miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

The European Union _ 4th ESO

Some 4th of ESO students are learning about "International Economics" and they would like to show you part of their work about the EU countries.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

I like fruit!!

In P4 we are learning the name of some fruits and food.
We have practiced with them the name of the food that they like or dislike during the breakfast break.








The Firefighters P4

Let's see our firefighters singing a beautiful song.
Here you have the lyrics just in case you want to practice it with them.

Oh no, there's a fire!
Hurry, hurry drive the firetruck
Hurry, hurry turn the corner
Hurry, hurry climb the ladder
Hurry, hurry get the hose
Hurry, hurry squirt the water
Slowly, slowly back to the station